Thursday, January 26, 2012

The book i am reading is called Shiver. theirs this girl that got attacked by a wold and just lays there then she tells how she got in that position.So far in the book she finds a wold that comes to her house every night during the winter she can tell if its her wold or there is this kid named Jack Culpeper was killed by a wolf when he was going home from school.So one night her wolf show up to Grace's house while she is cooking dinner she cuts a piece of meat off to give it to her wolf so she goes out to her wolf to feed the wolf meet she notices that her wolf has blood near his mouth then she asked if he killed him and the wolf doesn't even look at the meat when she asks him the question.So she went to her last block of the day and the was an officer there to talk about the choices of service for the government.Then Grace and her friends start asking him questions about the wolf killing.The police officer say he cant awnser that question when there is an on going investigation.So the next day after school Jack sister comes up to grace and said the wolfs are mean animals and after today there wont be any wolf.Then she has a image in her head about her wolf running through the woods with a bullet then falls dead with his eyes looking at me when he she goes to the woods to try to call of the hunt she lies and says thier is a girl in the woulds and they might shoot her and the officer trys to call them but he has no signal so she takes off in to the would.And thats the part where i ahd to stop reading at.

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