Monday, February 27, 2012

Elizebthan Attitudes

I do think that girls are still expected to be beautiful because they want to look good and they want other people to notice them. You had to be rich and beautiful to get peoples attension.

culture then and now

some of the things are the same today as they were then like men wanting there women to be beuatiful. or there women to be wealthy everything has to do with class and money and looks.

Modern Times

The 1500s were very different from todays society. The attitudes towards boys and girls back then are nothing like they are today. Back then girls were thought not to be capable of logical thought thought and boys Leaders in society. Today they're treated equally with equal rights.

The Dashwood Sisters

This book is about 4 sisters that live in england who are kinda snobby and the expect the best of everything. Then they have to move to Norfolk..... Which to them is far from "the best". So they have to get use to all the different people and how there going to be living now, and on the way, of course they meet boys.

Hold Still

I just started reading this book at the beginning of class. It seems to be about a girl and something happened to her friend. She also seems to know a lot about biology. I like this book so far.


its bout a kid who do crack

Lost in Translation

Those of us who speak another language know how easy it is to misunderstand messages. Cultures can be so vastly different from ours today. Look over the chart called "Lost in Translation: Male and Female Roles in Society" and think about how these roles and issues look today.

After careful thought, please respond to the questions about modern times. Post your comments in a new blog post, and be sure to back up your opinions with examples!

While you are at it, visit the link here about Dove's Campaign for Beauty. Include your reactions to the video on your post!

Get busy, my pretties!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

George's Marvelous Medicine. ;

This book is really funny.  Its about a young boy named George, his mom is going outta town to buy some groceries because they live nowhere near any cities or local markets, His mom told him he had to watch his Grandmother while she was away & make sure she takes her medicine. Well charlie makes sure she takes her medicine all right...
He mixes a bunch of different things together, & feeds her the medicine. Little does he know she becomes 200 feet HIGH! & she destorys the ENTIRE HOUSE! Hes gotta clean up his mess before Momma comes home!
“In the bathroom, he gazed longingly at the famous and dreaded medicine cupboard. But he didn’t go near it. It was the only thing in the house he was forbidden to touch. [...] There were things in there, they had told him, that could actually kill a person…”

The Last Thing I Remember

Today in "The Last Thing I Remember" I read to chapter nine. In the chapter charlie had just got out of the chair he was strapped to. He jumped through a window and stole one of their trucks. While he was trying to get away he turned on to road that led onto a field. The road was really rocky and bumpy. When he wasn't paying attention to the road and hit a big rock and the truck flipped. He was to dazed and sick to run away. But before the chapter ended he saw them get closer to him to take him away.

A Dog's Life...So far a great read!

This blog is a great place to post about our books and get great ideas of what we want to read. But to get a better idea of what a book is about, you need to include why you chose the book, any images you see as you read, connections you make, predictions, and any other related topic.

Today I started reading a new book, A Dog's Life by Ann M. Martin. Tiffany in my second block class lent it to me when I noticed the book on her desk. The dog on the cover looks just like my beloved Riley, who died last year. I still miss him, and I know Katie does, too.

The story is narrated by a stray dog, who lives with her brother, Bone. She and Bone were born in a shed behind a family's summer house, and one day their mother went out and never came back. She and Bone learn to live secretly on the property and get their food from the garbage dump. It's really pretty sad so far. The narrator says,"I do not understand emotions very well. I know what fear feels like, and I have been afraid many times. But I am less clear about words such as joy, happiness, sadness, and anger."

I am already hooked. I hope, of course, that they find a nice family to live with. I imagine that she (the narrator) may have many adventures in her quest to find a home.

I hope you will post about your books, and include a more in depth look at the characters and how you feel about them and about the storyline.

Stay tuned. Keep reading and keep blogging!

lost and found

im readin lost and found its awight

Shakesperean Insult

"You green-sickness carrion! You baggage! You tallow face!"
This insult, which was directed at Juliet, accuses her of being a spoiled, saggy, desperate virgin. This is said to her by her father.


The new book im reading is about a girl who is a princess a long time ago and is kidnapped by the master and all his men...who are really old and disgusting. anyway, she is taken to a ship and is held captive and is kept as a slave while all these old men are so fascinated by her and harass her all day sexually. she cant do anything about it, obviously. because shes tied up in ropes and her mouth is taped shut, she cant fight back or scream. its really good so far.

A little wanting song

The book I'm reading is called a little wanting song. It is the story of a girl who loves playing guitar and writing songs. She is also dealing with the loss of her mother and grandmother.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Shakespearean Insult

Your horrid look does unfix my hair. This means You're so ugly it makes my hair on end.

Funny title

Your horrid image does unfix my hair comment is funny

Shakespearean Insult

Is he not light of brain. That means your an idiot which i thought was pretty funny.

He is not light of Brain.

Haha i like this because it's calling you an idiot.

Get Thee to Work: Shaking Up Language!

I notice that some of you are already reading Shakespeare. Good for you! Some of the most beautiful and lyrical lines of poetry appear in the play we are about to read, but there are always those of us who are intimidated by the language. For that reason, we are going to "play" with words, Shakespearean words and elevated language. So get thy books out and thee shall enjoy a battle of barbs for the bard! You'll see; it's easy. If you want to get some practice, click on the Shakespearean Insults site for fun! Post a comment here of your favorite insult and include the interpretation, just for fun, of course! Get busy heartless hinds!

Post a Comment

Friday, February 3, 2012

the book i am reading is called shiver. My book is about a wolf that this one girl likes and her name is grace.Grace meets this wolf out in her backyard one night and she can tell if its her wolf or not by looking in to its eyes.So one day she was going home and she saw hunters carrying guns into the woods try to kill all the wolfs because they killed a boy in the village

Why I Love Fall

Read this. Its funny. :D With Ashley!Waky Tail

Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging. ;

My book is about this teenage girl named Georgia. She is having friends & boy troubles. She worried about her first kiss & dying alone. Shes mad because all of her friends get more attention from guys. She experiences her first time wearing a thong, and she hates wearing them because they ride up her bum apparently, which thats their jobs? she afraid that with all the problems shes haveing that shes going to turn lesbian, which isnt the case here. shes just overreacting. She has a bully at her school whos Lindsey, and she makes fun of Georgis because shes flat chest and doesnt have a butt. But apparently  Lindsey is fake & shes stuffs her bra and her pants to make her booty look bigger. Georgia tells everyone about lindsey's fakeness & even tells Lindey's boyfriend Robbie.

In the end, Robbie dumps Lindsey, and goes out with Georgia & Georgia gets her first kissss<3

if i stay

shes still at the hospital and shes remebring the times she had with her grandma and her grandpa and shes wondering when shel lget back to hur body

The Last Song

Ronnie hasnt seen her dad in 3 years and she wants nothing to do with him. Her little brother Jonah wants everything to do with him. Ronnie thinks shes one of them cool girls who is to good for good grades. She meets this guy named Will and at first she doesnt like him. But once they start hanging out more, she begans to like him more and more.

the last thing i remember

Today I read that charlie was currently in Mrs.Simmons house(the woman who found her in the woods)and was eating.while he was eating, Mrs.Simmons was contacting the police, telling them what had happened to charlie west.when charlie was done eating, he went in the bathroom about to take a shower.before he got in the shower he looked in the mirror at his own reflection.he had thought that he looked different, looked he went into the other room and picked up the newspaper to look at the date.a year and a day had passed since he woke up strapped to the chair at the compound.then,after he had gotten out of the shower, he walked down the hall and looked out the window.he saw a sheriffs car and a blue car.when he turned around, a gun was pointed at his was a police officer.he cuffed him and brought him outside.He then told the sheriff that he was the good guy and asked him why they were handcuffing him and taking him to prison.they told him that he was convicted of the murder of Alex Haulser.

Today i read pages 48 through 59 in "The Last Thin I Remember". In the passage i read today Charlie West, the main character, was remembering another part of the last day he remembers. He was doing a karate demonstration in front of the school. Not to mention Beth, the girl he likes. He did a demonstration of a Kata called dragon breathes fire. when he was done with the demonstration he went back to where he was running away from the guards chasing him.

Jane in Bloom. :)

So Im in the middle of this book, Jane in Bloom. Its a reaally sad story. I find myself wanting to cry but i try very hard not to. It gets very deep and emotional and you can kinda tell how some of the characters are feeling in the story. Jane is the sister of Lizzie, the pretty "perfect" blonde, straight A student who can seem to do anything and everything, according to everyone else, like her parents. What everyone else doesnt know is Lizzie has an eating disorder called anorexia and soon everyone will find out how perfect Lizzie really is.

until we meet again

im readin until we meet again she got in trouble

The Poetry of Love

Our last few class periods have been spent reading and enjoying poetry: favorite poems, Poetry Out Loud (performance poetry), and two voice poetry. Today we will begin to look at the poetry of Shakespeare and we will study several of his most famous scenes from Romeo and Juliet. Can you imagine a play written in the form of poetry?

So, open your hearts. This can be fun even though some of it will be challenging!
Take a tour of Verona and imagine life as it was in Shakespeare's time
and visit the Folger theater!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

if i stay

the book im readin is about this girl who has a mother and a father and a lilttle brother they are out of school because of a snow storm and they are taking a trip to see there grandparents. and they end up in a horrible accident.and she is faced with a decision to stay or to go.